Copyright © Janice Tracy, Mississippi Memories

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mississippi Moonshine Politics: How Bootleggers and the Law Kept a Dry State Soaked

I'm pleased to announce that my new book, Mississippi Moonshine Politics, the story of state prohibition in Mississippi, will be released in March! Although the book will retail for $19.99, I'm offering signed copies for pre-order at $16 each, plus $4 for mailing costs. If you are interested in reserving a copy of the book, please message me for more details through the Facebook page I've set up for the book. A link to the page is included below.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Colleen! Copies of Mississippi Moonshine Politics (which has an extensive index!) is now available at bookstores throughout the country and overseas. Also, copies are available for ordering online at, Barnes&Noble, and Books-A-Million.
